Full Moon in Virgo. Giveaway Extension!

If you haven’t entered to win the Aquarius New Moon Giveaway yet..you still can! I’m extending the giveaway to end at the next new moon on March 8th, 2016. That will give you a chance to enter for a complete moon cycle!

On to the FULL MOON in VIRGO. 

This full moon is a big one! This is a time to think about your wants versus your needs. You may feel a strong a-ha moment come along as you work through life…finally realizing that what you need may be entirely different from what you want. Virgo is always analyzing things.. So with the FULL MOON in Virgo things may suddenly wake you up and even shake you as you start to realize the path you are on. It may be about personal growth.. It may be about letting go. Maybe you need to sit with your pain and let it crack your heart wide open, only to find exactly what you need shining through. 

MAKE ROOM. Especially for personal growth. 

GET GROUNDED. Plant your bare feet into the wet sand and let the waves of the ocean feel into you. Feel the grass between your toes and the dirt on the soles of your feet.

RELEASE. Let go of what you don’t need and make room for what you do need.

For me…I FINALLY made it to the ocean as my mind, body, and soul intended and craved. I made a trip to Cocoa Beach, Florida this weekend to see a dear friend from high school. Although, the visit was short…I still felt happy to get my feet wet for a moment and got to spend time with a friend. The picture above was from this past weekend. 

Anyways, think about your new moon intention you set earlier this month. Have you made it come true? MAKE it come true! And if you haven’t entered to win the Aquarius New Moon Giveaway you still can! You can even make a comment in this post as part of your entry!

Love & Moonlight,


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